Letting the vibrator slip up and down between my pussy lips, I begin to wonder did the text message get to you. I can hear the Nextel Operator saying,” please hold while I locate the Nextel owner you are calling“. Enjoying the pleasure but not certain, I wait. My cell phone startles me out of my pleasure dream, images of you in pink, in panties, slip, stockings and garter belt and my desire to have you in a bra. My fingers begin to tingle with anticipation. Wanting to touch and caress. I pick up the cell phone from the console the caller ID says it is you; you did receive the text message. In a most serious voice, no laughter, you ask just how wet I am. I tell you “very and close to going over the top”. I ask you to keep the phone in your pocket, set it on vibrate. I want your cock to feel me cum. I will have you hard, wanting to play but unable because of your commitment to the others you are with on the course. You to put the phone in your pocket and set it for vibrating only. I am so close and so wet, gushing, I call so you can feel me cumming; in your pocket the phone is vibrating against your cock as I cum. I know if I am gushing you are wetting your pink panties.
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