Saturday, yesterday was the first snow fall for where I live. I staid in most of the day, but towards the end of the day I had to go out and enjoy the snow. As I was clearing off the car, I knew by the texture it was good snow for building snowmen and making snowballs. The snow was heavy and good packing.
I did take pictures with my phone but I don't remember how to get them off my phone, I don't even know how to get them to the memory card in the phone. The last time I used the phone to take pictures my son did all the moving of the pictures. He called and said he would help again but he is in another state and I wont get to see him until Christmas. I will get the pictures uploaded so you can see my town with snow.
As I was driving to church this morning once again the mountains looked beautiful. There is a reason to live in rural parts of Virginia. I will miss my little town when I move. The beauty of the Shenandoah Valley can't be replicated in the suburbs of Virginia.
not my picture but it is the view to my town from the skyline drive.
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