Before I could take a 15 minute drive and be at the beach. I would go early in the morning to watch the sun come up. Its peaceful if you can call the ocean peaceful. I have seen the ocean when it was angry, waves rushing in churning up the sand. I have seen the ocean when it was silent, still and smooth as a piece of glass. I have been to the beach when a storm has came in, and when a storm is in the distance, listening for sound of thunder then watching for the lightening bolts. When the storm has passed over wishing for a rainbow to appear. I have seen many rainbows; a double rainbow (one inside the other), then the other day after a terrible storm the brightest rainbow appeared with colors so distinct and bright. I watched this rainbow from the rear view mirror of my car.
Today, it was very early in the morning when I arrived. I had to drive several hours to get to the beach. So I could take a cup of tea, walk out to see the ocean. Being at the beach for a day or two will be restful. There is something about watching the ocean come in, high tide then low tide. I am not certain I can explain it but its that feeling, the salt air, the breeze and the cold water on the toes, then scrambling back when a wave breaks. Its just is.....
Now this evening, I will watch the sunset at the beach, this time with a margarita enjoying the quiet to come as all the families go home. Listening again to the crash of the waves as they roar onto the beach. Walking along the shoreline stopping to pick up a shell or two. I have an assortment of shells, I collect as reminders of my walks on the shore, the coast. What is so amazing, I can walk along the shore here and know this same ocean with its waves is crashing onto a distance beach just up the coast.
Its just so amazing ...
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