bisexual men

I am wondering, this isn't the first time I have thought about this but the first time I am  writing about it. I met a guy online several years ago. Not until recently maybe last year he said he was bi and didn't I know it all the years before. I said 'no'. He lives quite a distance from me so meeting up was out of the question and besides we weren't heading in any direction but a friend online to chat with and share woes.

My question is if a guy who is married has a wife but after a few years she doesn't want to have a sexual relationship him any longer for whatever reason, no separation or divorce, they somewhat  enjoy each others company and wealth together, why would a guy instead of looking for another lady to full fill his sexual needs  turn to a guy for that need to be full filled.  Is having a male partner to full fill your sexual needs make it legitimate as opposed to having a relationship with a lady.  Can the guy then say he isn't having an extra martial affair ?  Tell the wife he is hanging out with the guys but actually meeting up with his guy lover?

Just wondering?


  1. "why would a guy instead of looking for another lady to full fill his sexual needs turn to a guy for that need to be full filled."
    Easy sex and no romantic, emotional crap.

    "Is having a male partner to full fill your sexual needs make it legitimate as opposed to having a relationship with a lady?" Nope, you can get divorced just the same way plus you are "outed" as "queer" versus being just "oversexed playing with other women". Women do not like competing with what they don't have- dick.

    "Can the guy then say he isn't having an extra martial affair ?" Nope, it is adulterous sex any way you slice it- male, female, she-male, etc. See responses above.

    "Tell the wife he is hanging out with the guys but actually meeting up with his guy lover?"
    Some men do that- hunting and fishing "buddy" weekends even!

    I know because I have been through all those issues and questions except the last one...

    cyberdolphnow at that gee mail type place

  2. Hi Virginia,

    It's been a while since I visited. Trying to answer your question would be impossible to do accurately for all perople because we each are different, have unique reasons and feelings about needs and emotional attachments surrounding our alternative personnas.

    And over time a TG male views him/her self in different ways ... never the same as the years go by. It seems to me that as I grow older I feel more feminine inclined and having moved from a male - female hetro relationship to a effeminate male - female lesbain relationship ... now find the prospect of an effeminate male - male relationship one that might fulfill my 'feminine' desires for acceptance and intimate love.

    But that's not to say that all of the things you've experienced before are things you don't want again. It's part of an evolution I think. To want to live life with as many nice experiences as possible.

    I'd love it if you contacted me at Homail to merrymaid579.
