One of my personal favorite pieces of lingerie, the teddy, is often overlooked for more run of the mill lingerie, like bras and panties. One piece lingerie sets seem to have gone the way of the one piece swimsuit, but why?
A teddy, for the uninitiated, is a body suit like item of lingerie that is slid into like a pair of panties and rises up the body to cover the bosom. Some teddies are designed to help shape the body into a lovely female form, others are less restrictive.
If you look at a retailer like Yandy.com, you'll come across a whole range of teddies with bits hacked out of them. Teddies that expose the midriff, the sides of the stomach, the belly button, in other words, teddies that largely defy the purpose of the teddy, which is to present the body in an alluring fashion without giving away all its secrets. I would not advise the average lingerie wearing male to invest in such pieces as they are as unlikely to flatter the figure as they are to feel good when worn. If the point of wearing lingerie is to feel good in it, then why hack the bulk of the garment away? Inquiring minds want to know!
Finding a teddy that has some measure of class about it is becoming increasingly difficult these days, but all hope should not be lost. It is still possible to discover teddies that don't make the wearer look as if they aspire to being a lady of the night. Here are two samples, culled from the depths of the Internet.
The pictured teddy is from Twenga, and I feel that it is a rather charming piece of lingerie. The crochet gives it something of a homely feel, which contrasts nicely with the blue frou frou trim and the overall tone of the garment, which is alluring in the extreme. Who knew that a series of knots could create something so terribly charming?
A teddy, for the uninitiated, is a body suit like item of lingerie that is slid into like a pair of panties and rises up the body to cover the bosom. Some teddies are designed to help shape the body into a lovely female form, others are less restrictive.
If you look at a retailer like Yandy.com, you'll come across a whole range of teddies with bits hacked out of them. Teddies that expose the midriff, the sides of the stomach, the belly button, in other words, teddies that largely defy the purpose of the teddy, which is to present the body in an alluring fashion without giving away all its secrets. I would not advise the average lingerie wearing male to invest in such pieces as they are as unlikely to flatter the figure as they are to feel good when worn. If the point of wearing lingerie is to feel good in it, then why hack the bulk of the garment away? Inquiring minds want to know!
Finding a teddy that has some measure of class about it is becoming increasingly difficult these days, but all hope should not be lost. It is still possible to discover teddies that don't make the wearer look as if they aspire to being a lady of the night. Here are two samples, culled from the depths of the Internet.
The pictured teddy is from Twenga, and I feel that it is a rather charming piece of lingerie. The crochet gives it something of a homely feel, which contrasts nicely with the blue frou frou trim and the overall tone of the garment, which is alluring in the extreme. Who knew that a series of knots could create something so terribly charming?
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