Panties with more then bows and ribbon

I found this web site on a forum I belong to, I really love the panties on this site. Some are expensive but take a look at them and see why.


  1. I have made the offer to my pantie luv to purchase panties for him from this site. I hope he takes me up on it. I need to wait and see!

  2. I'm a panty wearer also and some other women's items as well ...

  3. My ex was lying to me from the beginning of the courtship,i never knew she was also dating other two men who happened to be my colleagues.i was able to find out the truth through a cyber genius 'hackingloop6@ gmail . c om'',who hacked her phone and gained me remote access to all her phone activities.I'm happy the relationship never made it to the altar though.You can also contact 'hackingloop' on + 1 (612) 502 - 3647,if your partner's commitment is in doubt.
