How Can I Stop My Husband / Boyfriend Wearing Lingerie?

So you have a husband or boyfriend and in many respects he is quite satisfactory. Unfortunately, you have discovered that he likes to wear lingerie, which is obviously unacceptable. Although you like to wear jeans now and then, and think you look pretty cute when you slip into his shirt, it's quite unacceptable for him to go so far as to enjoy wearing women's clothing. Women can wear whatever they want, but men need to toe the fashion line. We can't have them dressing in whatever takes their fancy, can we now.
But how do you stop him from wearing lingerie? Well, I advise women who want to stop their male partner wearing women's lingerie to act in the same way that they would stomp out any other harmless behavior which brings him pleasure. As every woman knows, a man's pleasure and enjoyment of life should rest largely, if not entirely, in the hands of his significant other.

Who doesn't respond well to an ultimatum? Nobody I know, that's for sure. If you want your boyfriend or husband to stop wearing lingerie, simply threaten him with an ultimatum, such as, 'If I catch you wearing lingerie again, this relationship is over.' This is sure to make him stop wearing lingerie and never want to wear lingerie again. You may have to comb the house for stashes of lingerie throughout the rest of your lives, as he takes to occasionally relapsing and buying the odd pair of panties or perhaps even a bra (gadzooks!) Don't worry about this too much, once you have firmly established an imbalance of power within the relationship, you should be able to terrorize and guilt him into giving up lingerie again without breaking so much as a sweat.

Whining and Nagging
Two major weapons in any shrew wife, or aspiring shrew wife's arsenal are whining and nagging. When you use the whining and nagging method, you should be sure to bring up the issue at least once a day. You should also ruin any moments of peace and happiness you two might mistakenly be enjoying by throwing the fact that he wears lingerie in his face. He must learn that if he does not do what you want, you will punish him with emotional blackmail until he concedes.

Shame and Humiliation
If all else fails, why not try to shame him out of wearing lingerie? Tell your friends, your family, his friends and family. Laugh about it. Make sure that he knows that you think he is very silly for wearing women's lingerie. Emasculating a man is a surefire way to bend him to your will. He may be resentful for some time, but you can overcome his resentment by withholding intimacy.

Withholding Intimacy
I almost feel silly writing this here, as it is fairly obviously the first step any red blooded woman would take when trying to defend an indefensible position. Withholding intimacy deprives him of something he enjoys, and forces him to turn his desires elsewhere. If that's not a good idea, then I don't know what is.

Caveat / Warning
Please be aware that undertaking any of the courses of action listed above puts your relationship at serious risk of what some people might call failure, (divorce, breaking up, that sort of thing.) Don't let that stop you however, how are you supposed to get your way in life if you can't control and micromanage your partner all the way down to his underwear?

(hub pages of Hope Alexander)


  1. The "funny" thing is, even the thought of the possibility of the threat is enough to trigger the guilt and nausea. It's a self-punishment that comes before the crime.

    Nice blog. Merry Christmas!

  2. I agree, guys who wear panties seem to always feel guilty like they are waiting to be caught doing something wrong.

  3. Thanks for your help in this, My wife may have read your suggestions, and has tried all of the suggestions listed.

  4. i don't understand what is so unacceptable about a man wearing a lace or satin brief (call it panty if you wish). If women can wear men's boxers, shirts, etc. and men don't object to that then why should the women folks have a problem with men wearing lace stuff?? it is not harming them in any way ? they do not wear their undies over their pants?? then why such a hue and cry???
    Thank God that they are not GAY!!! thank GOD for the reason that your marriage is not on rocks! Thank God that he is a man enough to satisfy your carnal or sexual desires!!!
    chuck the thought out of your head, to rid your man off his harmless fetish of wearing satin and lace undies. Believe me that those who wear them are hot and sexual guys, they do so for the sole reason of getting the pleasure 24x7 !
    when satin rubs close there it really arouses the wearer, so they remain in almost a constant state of arousal!!!
    I have myself tried it when my wife, playfully, made me wear hers! believe me i was stiff all through the day in my office trying to hide my bulge! In fact till date we have a hearty laugh when i recall one of the lady colleagues came and asked me if i took some medicine last night and my state of aroused stiffness continued the morning after? she wanted to know if i had taken viagra & she wanted it for her man ;-)) !!!

  5. I wear them all the time , oh yeah I don't own men's underwear at all . My drawer is loaded with panties

  6. I am a married man to a wonderful woman.She knows I wear lingerie,infact my dresser is full of nightgowns,bras,panties,stockings and slips.Women can wear men's boxers so why can't men wear silky satins.It feels so much nicer.Men have so much restriction when it comes to clothes.I love to wear a skirt in public too but society can't handle it.Everything is labled as gay now.My wife knows I am straight and thats what matters.

  7. None of those ideas will work, he will just do it in private.

    It is just clothing so what is the big deal.

  8. I love to wears panties, bras, nighties, camisoles, leggings and pantyhose

    My wife was hesitant at first but she loves how hard my member is when I wear these items.

    I'm straight and putting this stuff on makes want a my wife even more.

    1. I have over 50 pairs of women's panties, silk, lace, thongs and so on plus satin camisoles, teddies, silk stockings. I love it. I feel so sexy. My wife was also a bit unsure but she loves it now and expects me to wear them as she knows she is in for a very good time as I am super horny. She now lays them out for me when I get home from work.

  9. Women who think this nonsense is something that works..ultimatums/Whining and Nagging/Shame and Humiliation/Withholding Intimacy/Caveat/Warning...are wrong.

    These are the tools of a manipulative person...guess what honey (OP) he's been doing it long before you were around. He could be doing things a lot worse like infidelity and possibly unsafe sex.

    These methods are not healthy in a relationship/marriage

    The woman posting this probably exhibits/employs this type of behavior in other aspects of the relationship/marriage...bad news...DTMFA!

  10. I wear panties every day and Im a 25 year old male I have been wearing panties since I was 4 I now have over 200 pair the only time I wear cotton guy underwear is to work in and thats mostly so I wont get my panties all dirty and wear them out

  11. I have been wearing Satin and Silk nighties, teddies, robes, scarves, panties etc to bed for over 8 weeks now and my partner does not mind at all. After all she knows I am not gay and that is all that matters. Women and men that don't like it either split from your partner or accept this is the 20th century. Wearing these items makes me feel good at night. Women wear men's clothes so why should men should not be allowed to wear women's clothes in the privacy of there own homes. It is a modern world. Go for it guys you will love it.

  12. I'm free and single now and wear a different one every night, she didn't like the idea even tho its just fabric at the end of the day. Ten years down the drain and it took some guts finally trusting someone enough to tell them. Top comment is not good people should expand there minds and do what ever that like that makes them happy. I love satin im not gay or anything im very's enough if the woman wears it but I can not seem to find anyone with the same fetish. ..maby one day my dreams will come true.

  13. If a women tried the guit trip with me then she is not worth knowing. Accept a man for who he is and not what you want him to be. We all have our fantasies and fetishes. If it does not harm anyone then leave it alone.

  14. Shame and humiliation works so fine when a man (my wife started to call me that "thing" once known as man and for short "The Thing") and his family live in a small town.

    1- I wear pantyhose under the trousers cause I have thin leg with few hairs and immediately feel the cold season;
    2- Her Father joked all the time that real men have at least twice the size of my legs;
    3- Her father joked my for not having enough semen to have offspring;
    4- when my colleagues at the office start to chit chating with me of lingerie, hosiery and lace camisoles I got the message. My old female boss cut short and said me that almost 2 decades of my good work could not be thrown in the basket so she proposed another job in the company but elsewhere;
    5 in one year I have ended my marriage, work in a new firm and I go on with my sheer hosiery under the trousers in cold months.

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  16. This should be taken down! It's transphobic!
